Thursday, July 9, 2020


Hello, friends and family!
So I’m sending a recording this week because it was too much work to write an email.  And we have to go places.  We’ve got places to be and people to see, so this seemed a quicker option.
This week was really good, but hard.  I’m not gonna lie.  We got tested for Corona Virus… well, Sister Horton did earlier this week and that was exciting.  She was sick for a couple of days and then I also got sick, which was not fun, especially with this whole Corona Virus thing going around.  We had to stay in lock-down kinda… couldn’t see anybody… couldn’t open our door for a couple of days.  And with how much I’ve been wanting to work, it was a big blow.  But that’s OK.  (BTW Katia and her companion do NOT have Covid-19.)  We survived, and this week, we will hopefully not be sick.
Let’s see… what happened this week?  We found a couple new people to teach as well, which has been good.  And we had a couple of our friends who we were teaching say that it wasn’t for them… which is hard… but circumstances and things….  I know they’ll be OK.  They’ll have that chance again, hopefully, to accept the gospel.  It’s always sad when that happens, but all you can do is pray.  Agency is real, my friends. 
It was a good week.  We had zone conference.  President always has a way of inspiring us.  He did half of it over Zoom call with the whole zone… actually it was 3 zones kinda thing.  Then we all go to sit in a chapel with social distancing and masks.  Since we had been sick earlier this week, we were allowed to come and sit in the way back which was interesting.  But it was good.  I was excited during the whole thing.  Everything got me pumped, especially coming right out of being sick, I was ready to go!  I was excited!  You can ask my companion.
Let’s see… we had fourth of July celebrations.  That was a good day.  It was full of rejection, but Sister Horton and I were optimistic, and it was honestly a really good day.  We ended up talking to a lot of people. 
Today was good.  We tie-dyed shirts with our district.  That was fun.  Pictures will come.  The shirts are drying to the pictures will come next week. 
Life is good. Missionary work is amazing!  It’s the greatest work on earth, folks!  I’m really enjoying it.  I love this work.  I love it with everything I have.  And I’m so lucky to be out here doing it. 
I hope y’all have a wonderful week… and this recording is already too long… so… “in case I don’t see you: Good Afternoon, Good Morning and Goodnight!”
Katia LOVES the 4th of July celebration!

Tie-Dye with Friends
We're all in this together!


  1. Glad your internet is final up and running. So good to see Katia's happy face! Love y'all!!!

  2. Talk about a caring mother! Did you listen to the voicemail and transcribe it? Your Dad and I finally figured out how to hear it, and it was way fun to hear Katia's sweet voice again! Mom Mil
