Monday, July 20, 2020


We have almost 6 people on date!  Pray for our 6 people!  That's a great way to start an email... an invitation to pray!  Hahaha, seriously though, I appreciate the prayers.  There is too much opposition in the world, to risk leaving your house without praying.  Prayers are powerful!  They keep you safe.  They save lives.  They help you to see more clearly God's hand in your life!
We have found a couple more people this week.  Prayers for them as well.  Everything, everything points to baptism and I am beyond pumped to share this first step with people.
Sister Horton and I are feeling so much better, we have not been as sick this week!  We've been able to leave our house everyday, and be among the people!  It's honestly the best!
I would encourage y'all to pray for the ability to see miracles around you!  They are there if you just open your eyes to look!  Alma 30:44.
Keep me updated and sorry I don't always email back.  I love y'all and I'll try to write more next week.
Sister DeGooyer
I have decided that I want to be buried in an egg casket, with a keltic knot design- incorporated with a dutch windmill. I think this will most appropriately demonstrate who I am as a person. Half dutch and half scottish- I also have a history with that particular food item, that would make it not only unique but special. I thought I ought to put that on record, just in case I die sometime in the next 6 months. This seemed like an appropriate place to do so.

In other news, we had an eventful, sad, happy, busy, week. We dropped the person I have been teaching since I've been in Kimberly. No tears were shed, he made his choice with a complete and full knowledge. The power we have been given from God as missionaries was fully realized in that moment. We give the people we are teaching EVERYTHING. We teach them and have those spiritual moments and then we ask them in the name of their Savior to give up things. Huge things, things that no ordinary person should be able to ask of another, but we do it, because we in reality are speaking for their Savior. It's sobering to see that people don't always make the right choice.

We painted with the Riley/Rauma family this week. They are literally my favorite people in this whole world. We had to say goodbye to Mel and Andy this week; they are headed back to Cali. We'll miss them. Y'know sometimes you meet people that you instantly know are meant to be family, that was them. Luckily we still have the rest of the crew and we'll stay in touch. :) The clinic was finished and it looks sooo good! If anyone is looking for a speech therapist, consider moving to Kimbo, because I've got the best human being for the job!

We are moving forward with F's baptism!! We are so excited, especially now that it is looking like she will be baptized with her 3 oldest kids. Prayers, please! We've had some really sweet moments with her this week. She is incredible and one of the greatest forces for good! Please pray specifically, if you can, for protection for her and her children. I love them so much!

Yesterday was probably the best day of my week. We found ourself with a watermelon and after praying over it we found this man working in a field who seemed like he would like it. We pulled over and ran out to him holding our watermelon like an offering. He said "no," so Sister Horton asked him for a watermelon referal, again our answer was "no." So, alas, we skipped back to our car through the field holding a watermelon. We prayed again and a house and a face popped into my head. We drove the ways, knocked on the door, and the lady was so pleased. She took the watermelon, a scripture, an invitation, and a return appointment. I'm thinking next time we'll have to bring a pineapple. I've always said food and music are the way to people's hearts.

In more somber news: I'm gearing up to leave my area. We had interviews with President this week (which was so good, as always, he has a way of making us all feel exceptionally loved) My leaving, is pretty much a done deal. It is just a matter of where. I am getting my area ready for my departure, but I am teaching the people as if I will be here forever! I hope that's the right approach. It's weird knowing that in a week and a half I am out of here. Kimberly has become my home- 9 months in one area. I didn't think it would happen. #noregurts

Oh my goodness, yesterday we went back to church for the FIRST time! It was with 2nd ward and we got a new Bishop, so it was a really special Sacrament Meeting. Sister Horton and I greeted and handed out face masks to people, it was so good to see some of the people I love who I haven't seen in 4 months! We sat down in the chapel and the meeting began. The organ began to play, I am a Child of God. I could not hold back the tears, the Spirit of God was so powerful as I sang that simple truth with so many good people. Then we got to the sacrament. Wow. Those young men, handled it with such care. Each deacon passing the sacrament in a pair, one delivering the bread/water and the other taking the empty cup from every person. There was so much careful thoughtfulness that went into each deacon's actions. The Spirit again hit me like a wave as well as Sister Horton, tears steamed. It felt so good to be back, gathered together, in the name of our Savior!

Ladies and gentlemen, it was a good week. If nothing else, because we were able to go and partake of the Sacrament. There are very few moments that we can say we are truly perfect, but that instant right after we partake of the bread and water with a sincere heart, is one of those instances. My testimony and appreciation for the church side of everything was strengthened as we gathered yesterday. There is something about gathering that brings the Spirit so strongly. Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

I love you all! And God bless you, every one! 

Sister DeGooyer

P.S. I heard the new psych movie came out-- watch it for me, my Bettenhausens! 🤜🤛
Fun and Cool!
Our tie-dye shirts!
Exchanges with Sister Tree 
Paiting with the Elders
Elder Robin is 21! 
Happy Birthday, Elder Robin!
(The ties we made for him.)
Eating Popsicle on the job. 
More painting!

1 comment:

  1. Your daughter's letter this week was a way special one. But then, she is way special too. The SK combo did a great job of raising her!
    Gma Mil/Mom
