Sunday, July 5, 2020


We are soooo grateful to live in America.  Scott and I truly love celebrating our independence and our freedom.  And we have always tried to instill a love for our great country in our children... thus we usually celebrate with music, food, time together, and learning about the history of the United States of America.
We started our celebrations on Friday as we watched a patriotic tribute that was incredible.  The music, the photography and the stories were inspirational.  And the program ended with a commitment to make a personal covenant with God to remember God and support those who are righteous.  We must also become righteous ourselves and lead the way to truth and light.
Before the "race"
Check out the fog behind us!
Saturday, Scott and I participated in a virtual 5K: 5 on the 4th!  We earned our medals!  Kiara, Cody and Skittles joined us for the "event."  It was beautiful!  The fog was breathtaking.  And the colors were spectacular.  Scott and I enjoy visiting, talking and walking together.  We shared our dreams and ideas....  I must say, I'm more in love with my husband now than I was 24+ years ago.  He is always encouraging us to grow and become.  He makes me a better person.  And we are still quite good lookin', if I say so myself.  (Scott always says so himself.)
Love the beauty with the fog... and the sunrise! 
For the beauty of Kentucky!
Love my Lillywhites!
We earned our medals!
Our neighborhood rocks!  We had a parade at 10 AM.  Skittles actually enjoyed the fire truck and his new fireman's hat.  It was a tiny parade, but I love that the families here in our neighborhood are teaching their children to love our country!
Love our neighborhood!
Love this little man!
Future Firefighter?!
Then Kiara and Scott made more bundt cakes.  This time they are white cakes with blueberries and raspberries for our 4th of July celebrations.
They were DELICIOUS!
We relaxed the main part of the day.  We visited, played games, took lots of pictures of Skittles, and I practiced my cello. 
Just chillin'!
Behind the protective barrier... 
Red, White & Cool! 
Skittles did NOT like the hat I got him.
Cody liked the hat!
Then we had our besties over for a BBQ and sparklers.  We were excited to find out that a lot of people in our area were lighting huge, beautiful fireworks.  We loved watching!
The full moon was AMAZING! 
The fireworks were beautiful! 
Skittles was tired... and the loud noises scared him...
This was the best picture I got!
He'll LOVE this next year! 
These are a couple of my favorite guys!
My cute husband and Apple Pie! 
Marmalade knows how to have fun! 
And Raisin is always adorable and photogenic!
My adorable husband! 
Independence Day is truly a day to celebrate.  If it weren't for this great country, we wouldn't be able to worship how we wish, or speak what we believe.  God's hand was definitely in the founding of our country.  And if we make the covenant, we can continue this wonderful tradition of freedom!


  1. One Nation Under God...

  2. I am soooo glad to see that you celebrated for us too. We had a nice day but your Dad spent a lot of it sleeping. However, two and a half days later, he seems to be doing better!
    Hello to those we love in KY!!! Mom
