Sunday, April 24, 2022


 Last week, my sweet niece invited my family over for visiting and refreshments.  Mariah made everything beautiful and welcoming.  I eagerly hugged all of my nieces and nephews.  I visited with my brothers and sisters.  And for a few moments, I sat by myself and marveled at how blessed I am that God gave me this remarkable family.  I watched my husband have conversations with each of my brothers and my parents, and I felt doubly blessed as I thought about the important and extraordinary men in my life.

Zane, Ben, Dad, Scott and Ken
GREAT men -- all!

My husband
This guy is an example of Christ-like love.
He loves everyone... (He continued to love me, even when I was difficult to love.)
He is hard working.  It's one of his favorite Christ-like attributes.
And he makes me laugh.
I'm soooo grateful to spend eternity with him!
My dad
This guy gave me my name because he loves the Lord.  He has taught me to love God too.
He is an example of continual learning and growing.
He is one of the smartest men I know... although he would deny it.
I am grateful for his love and his example all throughout my life!
My brother, Zane
If you can't tell from the expression, this guy makes me laugh.  He's always quick with a quip.
He is witty and smart - dangerous combination.
He's also got so much energy and shares it with everyone.
He's a people person and EVERYONE who meets him likes him.
One of my favorite memories is jumping on the bed with him,
while we blasted "The Eye of the Tiger" on the radio.
My baby brother, Ben
This guy is super intellectual - especially about things that are true and important.
He makes conversations fun and meaningful as he asks probing questions (sometimes playing the devil's advocate to help solidify our beliefs).
He also is the most charitable person I know.  If anyone needs something, he gives it.
One of my favorite memories is eating Taco Bell and going to movies with my baby brother!
My brother-in-law, Ken
I hesitate to call him my brother-in-law, because he's more than that.
I picked this guy out to be my brother by encouraging him to date my sister over 27 years ago.
He's quiet.  But he's always willing to help.
He's humorous, if you catch him at the right minute.
But the thing I love best about Ken is his testimony of the Atonement.
He makes me want to be a better person and use the gift of repentance better.
My oldest son, Cody
He wasn't at the party... but he's every bit as dear to me as the other guys on this list.
Cody is extremely creative.  His imagination knows no bounds - he's an artist and loves fantasy.
He is an example of making goals and working hard to achieve them.
I truly love my oldest boy!
My baby boy, Skylar
Look at this amazing smile!  Isn't it perfect?!  
He also makes the list of one of my heroes!
Skylar has an amazing testimony of Jesus Christ and his divinity.
He studies hard.  And he loves harder.
I am blessed to call him son!  I love this kid!
As I reflect on these extraordinary men, I feel honored they all belong to me through the bounds of family!  My heart is full!  Thank you, each of you on this list, and others who are FABULOUS examples to me and to this other young man: my grandson, whom I love beyond words!

1 comment:

  1. YES!!! So blessed to claim relation to each of them 💕
