Sunday, May 15, 2022


I LOVE May!  May means it's warmer.  May means it's spring.  May means flowers.  May means mowing the lawn. (I love the smell of fresh cut grass.)  May means mothers.  May means my grandson's and oldest son's birthdays.  May is wonderful!

We love celebrating May Day (May 1st) with delivering flowers to those we love!  My kind, amenable husband took me all over 4 different counties to deliver flowers to my friends on Sunday, May Day.  It was also really wonderful, that my own daughters sent me bouquets for the obscure holiday.  The flower arrangements are still bringing me smiles 2 weeks later.

Katia's flowers are on the left - Kiara's are on the right
I'm soooo blessed!
Mother's Day was quiet, but lovely.  I was spoiled rotten by my thoughtful husband, and wonderful daughters and sons.  I also gave a talk for Church.  (I'll include the talk at the end of my post.)

"These aren't the droids you're looking for..." unless you need salt.
Thanks, Katia and Skylar!
I LOVE my new necklace declaring me to be a mom AND grandma!
Thanks, Kiara, Cody and Skittles!
When I think of mothers, I would be totally remiss if I didn't mention my magnificent, marvelous mom!  (I really love alliteration.)  But my mom really is incredible!  She is such an example to me of hard work, sacrifice, love, service, creativity, etc. etc. etc.  I'm blessed beyond what I'm able to express.  Heavenly Father knew I needed her.  (So glad we have phones so we can talk EVERY day.)

Me and My Mom (aka. My Best Friend!)
Another truly wonderful mother:  Kiara Lea!  My grandson is so fortunate to call her mommy.

Kiara Lea and Red Skittle
The Kentucky Derby was unbelievable this year.  We were all cheering for Happy Jack since that was the name of one of the horses and is also the name of Skittle's stuffed buffalo.  But it was exciting to watch Rich Strike win.  I wore this amazing hat for our Derby Toastmaster celebration.  Katia and Skylar also celebrated in Idaho with their festive hats.

Katia and Skylar know how to have fun!
Biggest hat at the event!
Skittles turned 3 last week.  We couldn't be there in person, but we zoomed in for singing and presents.  He loved the giraffe drawing machine and book that we got him.  He's adorable!  My heart hurts when I think about him living so far away.  We miss him soooooooooo much!

Isn't he the cutest 3-year-old EVER?!
In other news, I have been able to go teach Nicole's 2nd graders music the past two Fridays in person.  It has been so much fun!  I'm so grateful she allows me to come sing with her kids.  She really is one of my besties!

Nicole is AH-MAZE-ING!
I worked really hard canning pork in my new pressure canner on my new camp stove.  (Thank you for the new stuff, Scott.  That was my Mother's Day gift from him.)

See my canner?  See my stove?  See my hard work?
And while I was slaving away in the sun with my book, Scott was redoing our entire bathroom.  New paint.  New floor.  New sink.  New medicine cabinet.  New light fixtures.  And new shower curtain.  I LOVE it.  I wish I had taken a before picture.

Scott is industrious and hardworking!
And... Scott and I are still crafting and painting for fun.  Tonight we made gnomes out of ceramic mushrooms from the Dollar Store.  And we also painted.  Check it out:

By Scott
By Me
By Me
By Scott
P.S. We celebrated Friday the 13th at P.S.  (Penn Station)

Here's my Mother's Day talk:


It was the perfect day to go to Kings Island, despite the fact that I have always been really scared of roller coasters.  My partner in crime, Mary Bettenhausen, who is my best friend’s daughter and was only 11 at the time, decided to be brave with me as we stood in line to ride the Banshee.  We were determined to have fun, and learn to love the rush of the wind and the excitement of the turbulence of the ride.  We listened to the screams as we watched rider after rider flying through loops, spirals and zero-gravity rolls at speeds of up to 68 mph.  Our stomachs were already in knots when we were locked into our positions on the roller coaster.  We grabbed each other’s hands and held on, scared to death.   

Two minutes later, exhilarated and happy, our feet touched the ground.  Mary and I had done something terrifying and lived to tell the tale.  We also decided that we really enjoyed the experience.

I’ve heard the metaphor that life is like a roller coaster MANY times throughout my life.  But I didn’t really understand the analogy until that day, 5 years ago, when we faced our fear of the unknown and rode the Banshee.  Although I haven’t been on a roller coaster since that day, the memories of riding the roller coaster, at times, seem pretty similar to my Spiritual walk with Heavenly Father.  Let’s be honest, there are many ups and downs.  There are many twists and turns on the road of faith.  There are days when I’m on fire.  And there are days when I’m a down in the dumps.  But the roller coaster keeps moving forward, through it all.  President Nelson calls it spiritual momentum.

Luckily, he explains that there are things we can do to keep our momentum going, even when our roller coasters seem to be hitting the ground.

First, we can stay on the covenant path.  We can stand in line to get on the roller coaster – despite the heat or the frustration of the wait.  The covenant path is worth it.  Elder Bednar asked us to consider What is our next essential ordinance to stay on the covenant path.  The answers he received were: baptism from his 7 year old grandson and sealing from another child.  He reminded them (and us) that the next essential ordinance for us as we stay on the covenant path is the sacrament.  Do we truly worship during this sacred opportunity every Sunday?  Do we focus on the Savior?

Another way to keep moving forward on our journey is to joyfully repent.  Scott and I recently read the book “Falling to Heaven” on our looooong drive to Idaho with the Uhaul.  One truth seemed to jump out at me and I have been pondering it a LOT the past month:  Repentance is an even greater gift than forgiveness.  Alma makes this point when he said, “May the Lord grant unto you repentance.”  Notice he does not say, “May the Lord grant unto you forgiveness.”  Repentance allows us to be supported by our Heavenly Father, and thus we become closer to Him.

Learning about God and our Savior is one of my favorite parts of spiritual momentum.  Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ is not just one of many things we do.  The Savior is the motivating power behind ALL that we do.  He is not a dip in the roller coaster.  He is the strength that propels us upward.  He is not a scenic byway or even a major landmark on the ride.  He is “the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by Him.”

When Mary and I took the trip to Kings Island, we were both frightened.  But we decided that together we could do “hard things.”  We aren’t alone.  Heavenly Father is always with us, even when we’re riding a rollercoaster.  At one point, during our excursion, Mary’s glasses flew off during a ride.  We prayed, and Heavenly Father provided a miracle.  Her glasses were found.  At the same time, Jacob Bettenhausen, who was also along for the adventure, got really sick.  We didn’t know what to do.  The group decided we needed to say a prayer: and another miracle occurred.  Amy saw a man who “looked” like a member of the Church.  He was.  He ministered to Jacob, and Jacob was able to continue on our day outing.  We can expect miracles, when we are on the covenant path and living with spiritual momentum.

Yes, roller coasters can be fun.  And sometimes they can be scary.  But it’s our choice weather we scream, or enjoy the ride.  It’s our choice to stay on the covenant path, even when it’s hard.  We have the opportunity to repent and continue on learning of Heavenly Father and His Son.  And we aren’t alone.  We can expect miracles.  Let’s enjoy this ride together!

1 comment:

  1. Fun times even without the kids at home. Technology is fabulous the way you can continue to include them! 😘
