Tuesday, April 4, 2023


 What a happy few weeks...  In no particular order: here's what's happening in our neck of the woods:

I finally got my first "secret" novel from Brandon Sanderson.
I am almost finished with it.  It's a fun story!
I created this cross stitch art to honor my mother.
She loved daisies and believed that nature was God's amazing art!
I made the pictures for my dad, sister and daughters.
Cody's paintings are always amazing!
Kiara has been teaching her son about the solar system.
And my Red Skittle joined in the painting fun!
Kiara Lea really is a good mother!  She tried to make General Conference lots of fun by offering treats to her son when he heard certain words.  Apparently it worked, on Monday Skittles asked when they were going to watch conference again.
Getting ready to watch....
And enjoying breakfast while listening to General Conference while being cuddled by Aunt Shanae!
Grandma is kinda jealous.
Katia attended General Conference in person!
Because she's official!
What a beautiful and talented journalist!
She and Skylar also got to spend some of conference with my Aunt Valerie.
Aunt Val is one of my favorite people!
I'm so glad she got to spend time with her.
Aren't the Jesus pictures beautiful?
And I love the two kids of mine next to them too!
The other day I asked Skittles what he was going to do that day.  His response was "I'm going to make a mess!"  And I asked for a picture!  Isn't he adorable?
He almost blends in with his mess!
While packing - I found my hat.
And Scott decided I needed to show the world how much I look like a crazy, homeless woman.
Random photo of Katia and Skylar.
Skittles informed his mom that they needed to show Grandma their "sick" smiles.
Both of them aren't feeling well.
I still celebrated leading up to Easter with my traditional Zaxby's meal and watching a musical about Christ's final week of life.  Usually I have my daughters join me... but they are both in Idaho and I'm in Kentucky.
Scott and I are continuing our monthly 5K tradition this year.
And Nicole and I spent a day going to lunch, Hobby Lobby, and Little Mount Lavender Company.
It was sooooooo much fun!  I love my friend!!!!!!
And that's the news from my neck of the woods!  More to come....


  1. I think Skittles may have got his artistic gene from me.

  2. I love the idea of getting a treat when he hears a certain word. What a fun way to get them listening!
