Friday, October 12, 2018


We are blessed to have many people we love in our life!  And this week we have been blessed to spend time with quite a few of them!
Scott, Me, Jan, Dave and Katia
The Melansons came to visit for a week from Colorado!  We have so missed them when they moved away 2 years ago.  And we are so glad they come and stay with us once in awhile!  They are some of the greatest people we know!  And we loved getting to spend time with them.  We loved visiting with them.  We also loved the ribs that they BBQed for us.  They were delicious!!!!
Spoiled us with dinner!
Elder Schmid
Our other dear friends, the Schmids, received EXCITING news this week!  "My" sweet boy, Asher, got his mission call!  He will be serving for two years in the Central Eurasian Mission, speaking Turkish.  It is centered in Bulgaria, and covers Bulgaria, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan. 
Proud parents!
I love these two: Sheila and Mike!
Elder Turley and Elder Schmid
I'm so proud of this young man!  I feel like these young kids are growing so quickly!  And I am amazed at how wonderful they all are!  Dallin also got his mission call!  He going to Alaska!  I remember teaching Asher and Dallin in Primary!  How did they get so old?!  What great young missionaries they will be!

1 comment:

  1. Sundy, you are one of those rare people who keeps everyone you know - together and accounted for. Tell the missionaries "Hello" from Mil and Asher that "Turkish" sounds incredibly and totally like an adventure!...
