Monday, February 17, 2020


Hello, friends, family, and... undecided...

This is me, writing a weekly. Except that this should technically be called a two weekly, because I forgot to write last week. My bad. As our Zone Leader, Elder Hineman, would say "That's okay!"

Goodness, I was so excited to write this email and now I have found myself sitting here not remembering what I wanted to write down........ hahaha, this is what it is like to live in my brain folks. 

We got transfer news week before last. I am staying with Sister Soto!! We are determined that this is going to be a good transfer and we have pledged that we will make it happen. She is honestly the best, and I am excited to spend another six weeks together. I've already learned SO much from this companionship and have been truly humbled by it. Last transfer was not the easiest for me, however I have made the necessary, albeit painful, adjustments to make this transfer and all of the next transfers the best of my mission! 

I was lying in bed one night, and I had a thought. (I have learned that on my mission, this is the time when I often receive the most insight and inspiration regarding my life and the work. #personal revelation) 
I thought to myself, "Just because you have found your way out of the cave this time, doesn't mean that you won't find yourself lost in it again." At first, I was thinking "Dang, I don't want to go through all of that again." And then I had a thought, and I have learned that when thoughts come to me that are a little too wise, they are not from myself, "You are going to go through this again and again throughout your life, it is not to make you miserable, but to make you strong; so that when the day comes that you must decide where you stand or what you are going to do it will be so totally ingrained within you to choose the happier path." It was an amazing revelation to me, and it made everything seem okay. Yes, sometimes I miss home (heaven) so dreadfully, but I want to be able to return someday to my Father's presence having tried my best, allowing the Atonement to work in me, so that I can say I know how to most effectively rely on my Savior and I am ready to learn more.

Goodness, that got deep. I just want to let you all know, that though we have struggles in this life it will all be worth it. Every single thing will be worth it. The times where we completely miss the mark and we think there is no coming back; this is a lie. We have a God who loves us so much! Not because we deserve it, not because we earn it; but because we are his children and his whole desire is to see us come back. We will fall, it is a part of our mortal existence to struggle, to fail, to hurt, to wish that we could just stop hurting. However, it is also a part of our existence, because of the great plan of redemption, that we have the great opportunity to get back up again. 

Rant over, but all of this to say that my mission has been hard in ways that I would never have imagined. I have learned that life is better when we put our whole focus on Christ, and dance along the way. :) 

I love y'all! Have a blessed week. 2 Nephi 10:25 

Sister DeGooyer 

P.S. Communication is key. Change should be for the better. No one has perfected walking. Let go of all expectations, both the good and the bad. Sometimes we just think we're sticks with thorns. War and Peace. Anything worthwhile in this life takes work. Perspective and proportions. TOAST. Psalm 23. 

Hermana Reade, Sister Soto, and I, at Baco Tell 
Sister Done is on this side of the mission
Being a missionary is exhausting 
Valentines Day RS Activity 
Talk "Know, Grow, Love"
Talk "This is Salvation!" 

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