Monday, February 17, 2020


Scott and I truly love our YSAs!  They all are totally AWESOME!  Last night we had our monthly Sundaes on Sunday at our home.  All that showed up shared their musical talents and played music together.  It was truly so much fun!  And I count myself so blessed to have each of these amazing kids in my life!
Anthony, the best dresser ever!
Matt - played an original piece written on his mission!
Sheila-la-la sang "You Raise Me Up!" and nailed it!
Kali jammed, al-be-it quickly, on her uke!
Kiera's voice sounded like an angel!
Sister Blotter and Sister Davis
They sang my favorite hymn...
And Sister Blotter even tried her hand at the dulcimer.
Nick really rocks out on his grandpa's guitar!
Chelsea has another GORGEOUS singing voice!
Jazzmine loved the swinging drum!
Scott showed off his nose-flute talent!
And "Amazing Grace" was BEAUTIFUL!
Best Sundae Award
Congrats, Anthony!
We also had to say goodbye to two of our YSAs.  Nick is moving next week.  This guy has promised that I get to be an honorary grandmother to his children someday.  I'm hoping he find's that certain someone soon so I can hold him to his promise!  He would be a fantastic catch, ladies!
Good luck, Nick!  We will really miss you!
And we had to say goodbye to Sister Blotter.  She is going home to Utah this Wednesday.  Scott and I love and will miss her so much!  She is fun, brilliant and deeply thoughtful.  Her testimony is "on point!"  She's gorgeous - inside and out!
Sister Blotter, Sheila, and Sister Davis
We love you, Sister Blotter!
Best wishes!
And I got to meet a new YSA friend!  (Actually, I've met him before... but I got to know him better last night.)  He's a really talented, good guy!

1 comment:

  1. Fun times at the DeGooyers! You never cease to amaze me with your energy and the good you do for others. :D
