Saturday, December 7, 2013


How wonderful tonight was....  We went to our stake's Festival of Nativities.  It was so wonderful!  The displays were spectacular (and confirmed that I would like to open a nativity museum someday!)  The craft project was so cute!  The live music was fantastic (especially my daughters' performances - and their good friend, Muffin)!  It was a truly magical night!  I shared over 80 of my nativities (I actually own over 200 - yes, I'm crazy!  And yes, we display them every year!  Where?  EVERYWHERE - including the bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchen and cupboards!)
Check out the videos below of my talented daughters....
My sweet husband set up my nativities for the display.  (Another one of his hidden talents is decorating!)
Yup, these are all mine....
Key Lime Pie playing "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring"

Kotten Kandy singing "I Wonder As I Wander"


  1. You are a true inspiration to me Sister! I love that you and your family have shared the true meaning and spirit of Christmas with so many!
    May God Bless You all for your goodness!
    PS - Is it just me, or is there no music or video for the girls. Looks like there should be....

  2. DeGooyer Girls,
    The nativities must have been incredible. How do I know? I've seen them ALL in person! That makes me the luckiest of all. :)
    But we couldn't get the video sound to work. :(
    Love YOU, Mil
