Sunday, October 22, 2017


A happy mother is one whose daughters are happy.  It sounds cliche, but it's true!  And I am full of joy right now.  Both of my sweet girls are content and upbeat right now.   They have dear friends.  They are trying to live Christ-like lives.  And they are beautiful inside and out.  And I am happy right now.  I know that there will be struggles and disappointments throughout life.  But the last two weeks have not been that kind of moment.
Key Lime Pie is LOVING college life.  Being a co-ed suits her.  She LOVES her roommates.  She enjoys her classes.  And she's realizing that she can do hard things and survive without mom and dad.  I'm really proud of her!  She's kinda a social butterfly:  She's been learning how to dance almost every weekend, attending Mary's soccer games, watching movies with friends, fixing delicious foods, and playing games.  AND she even remembered to take a few pictures for her mom:
Roommates with weapons?!
These cute girls are so funny!
The haunted mill was tons of fun with this crazy group!
Kotten Kandy has gotten to go dancing two weeks in a row: once with a youth costume dance, and the second time was with the Single Adult Conference.  She "extroverted" and said she enjoyed it.  Although she was exhausted by the end of it.  Her favorite part: Hanging out with her best friend, Taffy.  She really enjoyed the Single Adult Conference.  They played games, had great devotionals, ate catered meals, participated in a service project and danced - a lot!  Kotten Kandy and Taffy both looked so happy after the dance.... and although they forgot to take other pictures during the conference, I did get some after the dance pics.
The Youth Dance
EVERYONE wanted in on the picture...
Although we don't know who most of these people are.
Of course the two cute girls pointing in the front are Sweet Tarts and Kotten Kandy!
I LOVE these two, crazy pirates!
Taffy and Kotten Kandy
I am truly one happy mom!  I love Key Lime Pie and Kotten Kandy (and Taffy and Kiara's amazing roommates) soooo much!


  1. I'm happy just looking at all the fun they are having. :) So very glad they have such great friends!!!

  2. This Mom understands the happy Mom from KY. I really think that we share many such feelings... :)
