Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Honestly, life has been kicking my behind lately.  I got sick.  And I've been a bit down.  If you read my blog often... about a year ago I described my struggle with depression.  I still struggle sometimes.  But I'm trying to be positive.  I've pulled out all the inspirational quotes I can think of to help:
My dad used to say, "When you do good, you feel good!"
Amy and I saw this quote the other day at Hobby Lobby and laughed.
I gotta try to make yesterday jealous.
I'm currently accepting smiles and words of encouragement.
Dumbledore is wise!
This quote is the focal spot on my living room wall.
Sunshine and yellow make me happy...
Soooooo... I bought myself some happy flowers.  It helped a bit.
It also makes me smile that Kiara and Cody are being creative.  They are currently working on creating a board game based on the Stormlight books by Brandon Sanderson... but my picture of the game won't download....  :-(
And I've been making lots of heart chocolates for my daughter's wedding reception:
I got to go out with my girl friends (our tribe) last night for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.  Yum!
And I've been enjoying teaching these talented young men how to cross stitch.  I LOVE cross-stitching and it's fun to teach them a new skill.  They learned fast too!  I'm impressed!
Bubblegum, Licorice and Banana Cream Pie

1 comment:

  1. Keep your head up and Never Never Never give up! One day you will wake up and the clouds will have parted and the sun will be shining again! I love you and pray for you every day :)
    Glad you are finding good to do. What cute boys! Their wives will appreciate their talents someday ;)
