Monday, May 4, 2020


Hello ALL,

Goodness, what a week?! We got transfer news and Sister Horton and I are staying together!!! The Zone split, I became an STL, and Sister Gilson is leaving. On Thursday the water works will hit- she has honestly become one of my best friends. I'm not saying goodbye forever, but she is going to the complete other side of the mission. My heart has split in two. R.I.P.

We got a new creature this week: a baby goose. I've also found a new obsession with frozen bananas dipped in peanut butter! Sister Horton and I decided to live our dream and dance/run through sprinklers. We took down our fort AND I beat Sister Horton in Nerts 10 times! 

The people we are working with are doing so well! We are excited to keep working with them. Keep Kimberly in your prayers! Also, please, PLEASE if you are on facebook and your missionaries have a page for your area; go, like, comment, and share! Your missionaries will love you!

I read Elder Holland's talk from this past conference and I wanted to point out how important hope is especially in these troubled times. "We did not come this far, only to come this far!" Keep sharing the good word with your friends! Keep reaching out! The world needs a little more love and we as latter-day saints are qualified to give that. 

Muchas love, y'all are my favorite! Hi, Mom, I love you! 

Sister DeGooyer 
With my "Padawan Braid" for May the 4th
Goodbye friends 
We made salmon and we ate it because we are thriving 


  1. A padawan braid? LOL 🤣 Did any of the other sisters follow suit? The DeGooyers sure make life fun!!! 💚

  2. Tell Katia that her Grandmother had rememberesd her as a very ccute girl. What's with the tongue? Behind the mask - I understand...:)
