Monday, July 9, 2018


Our "trip of a lifetime" began in Holland. 
But first:
Amy and I BARELY saved the world the morning we left.  One card left, tons of potential outbreaks and hardly any diseases left, and we won!
Then we flew to the DeGooyer homeland!  We were tired but ready to see the sights.
Ready to visit Europe....
Me - Scott
Katia - Chris
We checked into our interesting hotel.  We climbed steep, thin steps to get to our rooms.  Katia slept in the loft area.  And we had 3 twin beds below.  The bathroom was small and pathetic.  But it was a place to put our luggage and sleep for one night.
Katia literally had to climb a ladder to her bed.
It's hard to tell how steep these stair are...
But they are super steep!
First we went to the oldest church in Amsterdam.  Everything was tinted red.  It was big, quiet and eerie. 
I loved the church organ....
And Scott loved the stain glass....
Then we toured the church "Our Lord in the Attic."  Apparently religious freedom wasn't always a "thing" in Holland.  So churches were hidden inside of residences.  "Our Lord in the Attic" was a catholic church in the 1700s.  A wealthy catholic man created this amazing place of worship.
This Catholic Church was simply ornate and amazing!
The beds in the residence were built into the walls.
And Holland is known for it's white tiles with blue artwork.
After touring the two churches, we went to look at the DeGooyer Windmill.  This was Scott's dream come true!  The DeGooyer Windmill is in the heart of Amsterdam.  And we were excited to get a photo with it.
We are proud to be DeGooyers!
We ended the evening with a canal tour.  Our tour guide was awesome!  And it was fun to see all the sights from the water.
On the boat
While in Amsterdam, we tried stroop wafels.  They are so yummy! 
Interesting difference in Europe compared to America:  Public bathrooms are NOT free.  Usually they cost 50 euros (approximately 50 cents).  Public bathrooms on the train are free though.
Homes are touching each other and people live on multiple floors.  It was  very different.  And in some areas of town we even some homes that were completely leaning on each other.


  1. My mom and aunts recently went to the Netherlands to check out where their grandparents were born. They got to see the Van der Does farm outside Amsterdam, which was to them much as Scott seeing the DeGooyer windmill, I imagine. They also went north in to Groningen to see where Tammo Maathuis was born and lived before moving to the US in 1895 also.

    Between their pics and yours, I'm really wanting to travel to Europe of a sudden.....

    1. And yes, they brought back some stroopwafels for us ;-)

    2. You should go! It's amazing! And I loved everything! Although, I loved Germany more.... And we are planning to go back to Europe - Scotland and Ireland in 2 years.... :-)

  2. What a fun little nook for the night. It looked to be about my size ;) And the DeGooyer Windmill was AWESOME!!!
