Monday, March 9, 2020


Hey, y'all,

This week- for the FIRST time on my mission I was told that I sound like I am from Kentucky- I have an accent. It was a proud moment.

I've been getting so excited about the resoration; between finishing and then relistening to the Joseph Smith Papers Podcast and memorizing Joseph Smith- History 10-20, General Conference can not get here fast enough! Although, I would gladly stay in this blissful state of preparation and learning!
I was reading in the Come Follow Me this week and found/realized something so cool! It is always fun when my Book of Mormon Study/ Come Follow Me Study, PMG study, and Restoration study, all link together!
2 Nephi 32:4 says, "Wherefore, now after I have spoken these words, if ye cannot understand them it will be because ye ask not, neither do ye knock; wherefore, ye are not brought into the light, but must perish in the dark."
After reading this I thought about the "200 years of light" celebration coming to us this General Conference. I then thought about how while we may be celebrating the opening of this last dispensation, there are thousands of people who still have no knowledge that there is light on the earth today- and not just light- the fullness of light! (Isn't that phrase beautiful?!) This is why we must act on President Nelson's invitation and prepare ourselves to share the message of the restoration! 

Fare thee well,

Sister DeGooyer 

I want a pet donkey... 
...or two 
Fiesta Ole 
Waiting for our people to come pick us up 
District Council at Dierkes Lake 


  1. I want a donkey or two also :)
    How is it that someone can be beautiful in EVERY picture including the ones they are making crazy funny faces in? It takes talent and true beauty for sure! <3

  2. You are a great Missionary's Mom, Sundy Lea - making sure we are all caught up! Mom of a grand daughter missionary...
