Thursday, March 19, 2020

SISTER DeGOOYER - WEEK 37 was a bad week to run out of soap and toilet paper...
We were down to one roll of tp this week. We thought it would be okay and that we could make it last until next Monday (today). We did, but there is none in any store within the radius. Thankfully, our members are the best. 
We also ran out of hand soap; again, the timing was incredible. $5 later and I have the most expensive thing of cheap soap I have ever bought. #inflation #coronaisevil

On the bright side, everyone is home so Sister Soto and I are looking at a great upcoming week! We are going to kill it, this last full week of the transfer! Prayers please, we have been praying to find an elect. 

The work continues in Kimberly. We made contact with a couple people that we've needed to this week, which was so incredibly good! Prayers, for our ability to keep in touch! 

I almost died this week. A nose bleed that lasted 30 minutes; I felt like death afterwards. I had extreeme dizziness and nausa for the rest of the day. My companion is a champ- we had to take it slow. I talked her out of taking me to the emergency room and promised that if it happened again I would gladly go- so again, I ask for prayers that it won't happen. Thank you!! 

Have you noticed my theme? Prayers are so important, I have felt that more as I have pondered President Nelson's, invitation to "Hear Him." As I've thought about his question, so many different aspects of hearing/ listening have come to my mind. Ultimately, I am striving for the ability to hear my Savior more in my life. There are a lot of things in this life that will make you sick if you do them too much, listening to the Savior is not one of them. Please pray, it will help you so much! 

I love y'all, have a great week! 

Sister DeGooyer 

Shoshone Falls 
I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ!
Pick me up ice cream after the announcement of Idaho's Infection 
We're besties 
Toilet Paper!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading it again. Just her blonde hair and blue eyes make me smile! Then there are the crazy poses..... Gma Mil
