Saturday, April 18, 2020


One of my awesome bosses decided we needed a "pick-me-up" from this quarantine business, so last week she proposed that we have a Spirit Week - and we could all participate, take pictures, and share!  So here's our contributions to Spirit Week - Quarantine Edition!
Day 1 - Crazy Socks and Leggings:
My socks are pretzels and hamburgers!
Day 2 - Tiger King (or Animal Prints) - Since I know nothing about Tiger King we chose the later:
We really don't wear animal prints much.
But our little Simba is adorable!
Day 3 - Pajama Day:
Comfy!  But hard to stay in P.J.s all day...)
Day 4 - Quarantine Queen (We added a cute prince!):
I felt regal!
Day 5 - Vacay (Vacation) Day:
Day 6 - Sports Team:
J-E-T-S! Jets! Jets! Jets!
Then... Scott decided we needed to see all the crazy faces of our family.  (I can't believe I'm posting these super silly pictures.)
The Gnome
The Insane
Crazy Eyes
Trying to stick out her tongue....
I wanna make faces too!
Then... Skittles (I've started calling him Red Skittle because of his red hair) wanted to try sitting on the toilet?!  He's still cute.
Look at me, Mom!
And... Scott and Cody decided to work on a project today.  They are making a coffee table.  It's not finished, but I'm impressed!
Cutting Boards
Measure Twice
Lookin' good!


  1. Love the coffee table!!! I wanta make one too. 😁👍
    Your spirit week looked like crazy fun for y'all! 💛

  2. Unique fun! I'm glad you like your job and the people you work with. Tell them I said, "great thing to do"!
    You do look like a queen in those pics Sundy! Regal even!That makes Kiara a Princess in waiting? And Skittles on the stool couldn't be cuter...Mom and Grandma Mil
