Monday, January 11, 2021


 Alright, buckle your seats, because this is going to be a long one. This might be the last time anyone hears from me depending on if the plane makes it to Kentucky. My bet is it will, but you never know what God has planned. 

I asked my companion last night if I was trunky and she gave me a firm "no." She tends to error on the honest side, so I'll leave that up to you to determine. 

This week we worked and it felt so good! I love this work and would not have had my last week spent any other way! There were many tender mercies and cool experiances. We are now sorta/mostly/kinda teaching 2 guys named Scott. They are in no way related to each other, I just thought you'd be interested to know that they live one mile from each other and they both want to know Jesus. 

We had a really cool experience yesterday. One of our appointments kinda/sorta/mostly stood us up. So, our backup plan was to contact in the area and then try again later. We contacted the couple houses we knew and they told us they weren't interested #blessings #hoorayforhonesty #if yourenotinterestedsayyourenotinterested I felt like we should walk a certain direction- so we did. Sister Sifford asked where we were going. I said that I had no idea, but that we were going. We found this little path I hadn't ever explored. It led us to a park, where a man we had seen walking earlier (we wanted to stop, but we had to get to our appointment) was sitting. He had a walking stick and several layers of clothes on. We learned that his friends call him Finnegan the Irishman. We stopped and chatted with him for quite a while about God. We shared a message. He gave us direction on where he lives, but I think he's homeless. He gave us a wooden cross (pictured below) and we shared a scripture with him. It was an interesting interaction and one that I am positive God led us to! 

I said many goodbye's this week and was informed by my wonderful companion that I am not very good at telling people goodbye. [context] "Hey, yeah, so I should probably let you know I'm leaving. Going home I mean. I finished my mission....." 

It was a wonderful last week, all things considered. I got to see 2 baptisms this week. One was a sweet girl that I taught in my first area. I so wished I could've given her a hug, BUT I was able to help her in the changing room. It was awesome to catch up and hear that her goal is the temple with her husband a year from now! I ran into a lot of my old friends from that ward and it was especially cool to chat with Bishop. He is still one of my favorite people and a real example to me of what true christlike leadership looks like. 

We attended a funeral this week. Sister Sifford and I are both criers, so we sat towards the back. We had never met the lady who died, but we had a really good interaction with her husband and 8 year old son when she was in the hospital. I am so grateful for a knowledge of life after death- their family is sealed for eternity and that is something beautiful to look forward to. After the funeral, we were both feeling sad and so we decided to get some pizza to cheer ourselves up. We went to Mod Pizza because, go big or go home. We got to the register to pay aaaand we had been paid for. It was a tender mercy! God bless that man wherever he may be! 

Random Updates: 
- the prank wars with the Zone have intensified. Hot chocolate in a bathtub, our car was wrapped with bologna, peanut butter on door knobs, and gummy bears on windsheilds. 
- Transfer news! Sister Sifford is flip training! She is getting Sister Harris and she is going to do so good!
- Packing is the worst 


This being the last will and testament of one, Sister DeGooyer, I thought it would be in order to virtually bare my testimony. :))

Where to begin? I know my Savior lives. I know that what I have been teaching for 18 months is His restored gospel. I have a testimony of each prinicipal the Savior taught. I know that God has a plan for His children to return. I know that the only thing that makes that reunion possible is Jesus Christ! 
I know that our prophet today is a true prophet of God- a modern day Moses as some say. He leads this church under the direction of our Savior. What He says is divine, because He knows God. 
I know that personal revelation is real. I know that stewardship is real, and that is given us to grow. I know that we can recieve inspiration for those God has asked us to serve. I know that God will answer every question and prayer in His timing- I testify that His timing is right. It is our job and privilage to seek to align our timing and will with His. 
I know that the Holy Spirit is real. I know that if we keep the promises we have made or will make or can make at baptism we will have his constant companionship- and that is invaluable. 
I know the scriptures are gifts from God. I have no doubt that if you read the Book of Mormon everyday you will not fall away. I know how important and wonderful questions are and I know God will answer our questions if we come to Him and then go to our scriptures. 
I know that each one of us is a son or daughter of God- that He loves us with a love we cannot fully comprehend. I have a testimony that if we pray to feel that love not only for ourselves, but for others, God will give that to us. We each have the potential to become like God someday, and the way is our Savior. He sees the best in us, so much so that He gave his life-- more than that He gave His body and blood. Everything that we have felt He has felt. That is both a collective sacrifice and a very individual one. I know that our Savior broke the bands of death- He did that for us. I know that through His sacrifice we can be made whole again and return to the presense of the Father.
I have a testimony of work, hard work. I testify that the teaching of the second mile is so real, true and applicable in our lives. 
I have a testimony of repentance. We are never too far gone for our Savior's love. Repentance is a daily thing. I repent the hardest and the most on the days I have done my best, because even then I know how much I fall short. Repentance isn't just for the hard times, it's for the good too. 
There are so many other good things I know to be true. I know Joseph Smith is the prophet of the restoration and that He like President Nelson knew God. I know we lived before this life. I know that we owe everything to God. I know how much these truths mean to me and I know that I will share them the rest of my life with anybody and everybody who will listen. God is so much more real than so many think. And He is infinitely good! I write all these things in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen. 

I add my witness to Alma's "And this is not all. Do ye not suppose that I know of these things myself? Behold, I testify unto you that I do know that these things whereof I have spoken are true. And how do ye suppose that I know of their surety? Behold, I say unto you they are made known unto me by the Holy Spirit of God. Behold, I have fasted and prayed many days that I might know these things of myself. And now I do know of myself that they are true; for the Lord God hath made them manifest unto me by his Holy Spirit; and this is the spirit of revelation which is in me." Alma 5:45-46


I feel a tribute must be paid to my mission President and Sister Southward. I had my departing interview with my President last night and I am so grateful for these 18 months that I got to serve under his direction. He has been called of God and he is one of the most inspired men I know. I hope to someday be like him and Sister Southward. Their examples have changed my life. 

I also want to thank all of you. Your prayers have been felt. Especially in the hard times I have been lifted up by your faith. 

Alright, Mom and Dad, I'm coming home! 
"the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:" 2 Timothy 4:6-7 

Much love, 
Sister DeGooyer 

Finnegan the Irishman's cross
Our companionship
The Harmons! 
Weekly Planning 
Our best friend: Bonnie 
I was curious...and then I was stuck...


  1. What a wonderful testimony!!! You know how to use your words so the spirit is felt across the miles. <3

  2. You said it exactly as it is, Mom. This girl is amazing!!! Love her to pieces... Mom

  3. You said it exactly like it is, Mom. She is amazing, and I love her with all my heart. Mom of the Mom
