Tuesday, December 24, 2019


It snowed last week.... Our first snow this Christmas.
It was gone before noon....  I'm OK with that.
We are going to have a beautiful, warm Christmas!
My work party... Bowling and Fun
with people I love!
I'm blessed to have such a great work family!
Natalie made me this bright, happy, yellow shirt!
I love it!
Kiara and Cody took my grandson to Texas for a week.
I'm glad Grandpa Lillywhite got to visit with him...
But Scott and I sure missed our little guy!
They loved the warm weather in TX.
And everyone loved Skittles!
Kiara made this cute layout:
Kiara - Skittles - Cody
Skittles was SOOOO excited to
FaceTime with Grandma!
I was thrilled too!
Scott and I decided we needed a hamburger...
It was a fun date... but we missed our tag-a-long, baby girl.
She loves Red Robin!
When Skittles came home,
Grandma spoiled him with his very own Speedway soda!
And Nuts got braces!
Kelly DeGooyer made me this incredible
quilt for Christmas.
It's called an Eye Spy Quilt.
Lilly sang like an angel and really helped me feel the 
true spirit of Christmas at her voice recital!
I'm so glad I was invited!
Christmas outfits - on my two adorable boys!
Starburst and Skittles
Christmas Sunday with my grandson!
Our Hanukkah tradition of blue candy canes and "Fiddler on the Roof!"
And our DeThortenhausen Christmas celebration!
Of course, I was in heaven, with these two little guys!
Isn't this the most adorable picture of my missionary?!
I LOVE it!
Grandpa is watching Claymation Christmas with Skittles!


  1. <3 <3 <3
    That grand baby of yours is the cuties guy ever!
    Fun times at the DeGooyer's as usual.

  2. So many fun times and so many incredible pictures for reminders. I especially liked the picture of my oldest daughter and her two cute boys! Gma Mil (Can I claim both boys, Amy?)
