Sunday, June 14, 2020


If you spent a few days in my shoes, this is what it would look like:
First: My book is published!  I'm so excited!  And so far, a few of my friends have read it and said they liked it.  :-)
Saturday I mowed our acre of lawn.  It was exhausting but fun.  I did it to help my husband who was busy doing this:
He was so excited... like a child with a brand new toy!  He even got stung twice but it didn't dampen his enthusiasm for the bees!
Then I got take-out from the new restaurant my brother introduced to me in Idaho, Taziki's Mediterranean Cafe, for my family.  I was excited to share with them!
So that evening we did something we RARELY do.  We watched a TV show.  We actually don't subscribe to any TV services (no Netflix or anything).  But sometimes, based on a recommendation, I'll purchase a season of a television show on DVD.  My parents had recommended Blacklist.  So we decided to watch the pilot:
So far... so good.  We are intrigued.
Today, Sunday, we celebrated Scott's birthday a bit late.  His birthday was Monday while I was in Idaho.  Due to planning we decided to celebrate when I came home.  So we had a delicious dinner, I made his favorite cake, and we opened presents.  We didn't take a lot of pictures, because even though Scott was all smiles, his swollen eye looks so sad.
He is such an amazing man!  I feel so blessed everyday to have an eternal companion who supports me and encourages me and even calls me out when I need it.  He is a honest man, who loves service, hard work and God.  I look forward to spending every minute I can with the guy!  And I'm truly grateful to "The Keeper of the Stars" for getting us together!
We also watched a good movie called Just Mercy.  Thanks, Ben, for the recommendations.  I had ALL the feelings watching it.
And throughout my few days, this little guy has kept me all smiles:
Barking out the window with Karmel 
All smiles for Grandma!
Another smile! 
He loves PBJ! 
Aunt GJ got him this toy farm!  It's his new favorite toy! 
He explains it excitedly to EVERYONE!
And really loves it!


  1. You married well!!! 😁👍
    Love and miss you!!! 💛🌞

  2. Scott, did your birthday happen when we were moving? I don't even have my calendar handy to check... :(
    Everything we own is stacked in piles of boxes 12 feet high! But then, with moving your warehouse, you can understand that and more. Happy, Happy Day - although maybe a little late.
    Sundy Lea, I didn't say I recommended that movie. I specifically said, "I do not!" What I did say was that YOU would love it. It's plum full of all that kind of stuff on your favorite show - Criminal Minds. The other is filled top to bottom with violence. And if it were to be rated, it would have to be off the charts... :(
    Have a good one, MOM
