Thursday, June 4, 2020


I got to spend a couple of hours with my angel daughter and her district today.  It was absolutely wonderful!  Everyone of these missionaries are truly amazing!  I enjoyed each of them and their talents and their spirit!  And I felt that the world is in good hands if these kids are our future leaders.  (And... of course... my daughter is the angel without wings!)  Katia is thriving, and growing and becoming all her Heavenly Father wants her to be.  I'm blessed to call her mine!
Horton - Me - Katia
(This church building was huge, 3 stories, and beautiful.)
But these two girls have stolen my heart.
Yes, Horton fits right into our family!
Red Head = Elder Farmer - who I jokingly explained to him that his favorite football team was a bad life decision.  Next to Elder Farmer is  Elder Clark.  He always smiles... or at least he was always smiling during our visit.  And he just friended me on FB.  :-)  Then from left to right on the bottom:
Elder Moreno, who wants to go into the medical profession.  He's quiet, but kind.  Elder Robins enjoyed our outing to his namesake Red Robin.  According to Katia, he is the Elder that everyone just really likes!  I can see it.  Me - Katia  After Katia, Sister Tree.  She loves fish and sushi.  Maybe because she's from California.  Sister Horton - who is an honorary DeGooyer.  And last, but not least is Carko.  (Sister Clark)  She is so sweet and loves musicals and Diet Coke.  We are kindred spirits!
Me and my girl!
We made a quick stop to the Twin Falls temple.
It's beautiful!  Katia wants to be married there someday.
Like Mother Like Daughter
Me - Katia - Horton - GJ
I love these 3 women!
I count them all as friends, family, and role models!
I'm soooo grateful for the opportunity to see my angel!


  1. Beautiful - Wonderful Day! Thanks for inviting me to join in the fun! 🤟💛

  2. I'm very happy you had such a wonderful experience! All beautiful - except maybe the tongues. I don't quite get that part. Love ya, Mom and Gma Mil
