Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Katia didn't have time to write a group note this week... so with her permission, I'm sharing my personal letter.  Also... I would NEVER pray for a trial.  My daughter has not yet learned that trials come no matter when or where or what is happening.  Patience is all she needs before her next test that Heavenly Father allows her to experience.


Your visit meant so much to me! It was so good to see you! I was nervous but excited ;) to introduce you to my friends, but of course, they all loved you. The takeaway? They all said that they can see where my weirdness comes from. They all agreed that we are vastly different, but extremely similar. Haha, I am glad. I have always thought I had a good mix of both you and Dad. 

I can’t describe to you the feeling of hugging my Mom after so long. It was truly the best. You think too highly of me, but I am grateful and always have been, for your support. 

This letter is already ending up a bit rambley, but it just goes to show that I am still me. I feel very “on the brink” right now. Life feels as if it has slowed down today and I am looking at my life and who I want to be; while at the same time enjoying where I have come to in the present. I am a human being, but also a daughter of God, who has made a million mistakes- and yet, I am still me. It’s beautiful and confusing and amazing all at once. 

Mom, I feel as if something is about to happen in life. I am not even 100% sure what, but something is coming. Yesterday, I prayed for a trial. Today, I partook of the Sacrament and prayed again for a trial. I don’t know what God will give me, but I am ready to learn and grow in new ways. A pattern for trials in my life, has been dealing with people. I often love too deeply and instantly, but I am ready for whatever God will give me. God sends us different challenges, to help us grow in different ways. I am far from perfect, but that is where I am trying to go and the only road to, is marked with failure. I have a good pair of tennis shoes and I just drank some water, so I think I am ready. 

Goodness, Mom, life is good! I keep saying this and I probably will not stop soon. “God is in Heaven and all is right in the world!” -Anne of Green Gables. I am sitting at my desk typing, as I look out my window. The wind is howling and the trees are swaying. There is not a blue sky to be seen, just a lot of gray. The temperature is cold and windy- and yet still, I feel joy! I’m not sure what the future holds specifically, but I know with everything that I have, that I will not let go of what I have gained. 

I am grateful for your prayers, and I hope when times get rough in your life you can feel mine. I do not deserve all that you think of me. I am happy, Mom, happier than I have been in a minute. 

I wrote down every wrong I could think of in my life. Every single thing that I haven’t repented of and I am going down the long list and making those changes. Some are small, others are bigger-- I am grateful for you and Dad, for how much you guided me. I have so much learning and growing left to do, but I know with you two by my side, as well as Kiara and her little family, we will all make it back to Heavenly Father!

I feel as if there is more I could and should say, but I will leave it at this. I love and admire you Mom! 

Much love, 
Katia Rae
Sister Tree wanted to go hiking and Sister Clark-o was sick.
Horton stayed with Clark-o so we could go. 
Our hiking gang!
The waterfall was ... wet!
Horton and I found a dead squirrel on our door step.
So sad!
Mom with Horton and me
The gang at Red Robin.
Thanks, Mom, for treating us!
I love my Mom!
(And Mom loves me!)


  1. Love that girl! She has a truly beautiful soul!!!

  2. I'm sure Katia's message warmed your heart to boiling, daughter! She is one in a million... Mom
