Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Hello, everyone, 

What a couple weeks it has been! Good news, our rules have been updated and changed! WE are now allowed *with masks on* to go into members' homes. We can eat with our wards again, teach in their homes, and enjoy their company. By the end of this month we should be back to attending short Sacrament Meetings. All of this is a part of one of my favorite games to play: Top 10 things I Didn't Think Would Happen on my Mission. I didn't really realize how hard quarantine had been on me, until we were given to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This quarantine has taken a real toll, but we have made it out and we are better for it! 

Goodness, with the announcement of the rule changes, came an excitement like no other! I was bouncing off of the walls- you can ask my companion. I knelt down almost immediately and prayed that we would be able to see success in the next few weeks despite the face masks. I know we will! God is good and his work will hasten despite what we do or don't do- wear or don't wear! Hallelujah!  

Sorry, it is a short email for today, but I figure it is better than nothing. I hope anyone and everyone who is reading this knows how much God loves them! 

Sister DeGooyer 

P.S. I feel as if I must also say this: I have felt really how much God expects of me this week! (sidenote: I got to go to my first MLC- which was amazing! I know even more now, how inspired the calling of Mission President is! I am so grateful for the Southward family- you can always feel their love when you are with them.) I know that God expects a lot of His children, but that is because He knows how much we can accomplish with our Savior and that is everything. Even when we feel as if we have completely missed the mark, when we kneel to pray, we have met the expectations of of our God. I am not explaining this well. In short, I am grateful for my Savior and what He has done for me!
First home entered after quarantine!
(Promise we wore our face masks - just took them off for the picture.)
We literally ate half a gallon of ice cream
while role playing in our front yard. #compgoals
Zone Leadership
After a long day of service.
GHE Geishas

1 comment:

  1. Here's to Katia and her Mom - with full assurance that Mom will forward it on to Sister DeGooyer. :) Right? Right!
    Good reading your letter, Kiddo. I'm sooo glad you are able to "come out" of that apartment! Even behind a mask, you two are cuties.
    Love YOU, Gma Mil
