Monday, October 12, 2020


 Another two weeks come and gone. It got to Saturday this week, and I couldn't believe that it had been a week since General Conference! The Conference was incredible, don't you think?! Between having angels as my associates; determining that sometimes I can be a broken piano; and the admonition and reminder to love even your enimies; it was a wonderful weekend! I don't know if I had a favorite talk, but I, as always, love Elder Christofferson. I think I got the most out of his remarks and it gave me a new story idea to explore when I get home! 

Last week we had MLC and General Conference, which was amazing. My head was buzzing with everything that needs to be done. I say needs, because I am still currently working on a to do list a mile long. 

This week was a little hard. Our mission has again gone into a temporary sort of relapse of quarentine. 3 Zones are on complete lockdown, luckily my zone is not one of them! It's going to make transfers this week a little weird, but Sister Brooks and I will roll with the punches. We might be together for one more transfer, but we also could only be together for another two weeks. Stay tuned for more information ;) 
As of right now; we can only teach with masks on and social distancing applied; we can't eat in others homes; and we can't be around other missionaries. 

We saw so many miracles this week! We said some specific prayers, that God answered. The work is hastening! Last night three such miracles were witnessed. We prayed that a man we have been trying to teach would see our light when we knocked on his door and that he would want us to come back. To the letter our prayer was answered, as he gave us his phone number and begged us to come back soon. Next we visited a young girl and her family, the young girl took our number and wanted us to come back today. We are booked this evening, so we will go back tomorrow. Finally, we went to go knock on a door- the last one of the night- and she didn't answer. We realized that someone else we have been trying to contact lived next door, so we knocked and miraculously they answered! The lady looked a little closed off at first, but as we talked, she opened up and invited us over for dinner and gave us her number. Miracles are happening, even if they do seem small! We know from the scriptures that by small means the Lord doth confound the wise! [Alma 37:7] 

Sorry, it's a shorter one today folks! I love you all! Go spread the word in normal and natural ways; God is proud of you! 

Miss and love you,
Sister DeGooyer 

we are kinda weird 
filming videos 
i don't know when this happened, but it happened 
the time i went caving and got a concussion
MLC- Highland Zone Leadership
some of my favorite people
did a training on the sacrament... you know how much i love food 
Mom sent a Halloween care package!