Monday, October 19, 2020


(Mom asked specifically for these two pictures!)

Trio life always comes back, doesn't it? What's the saying: three times a bridesmaid, never a bride?  Well... Three times a trio, never a companion??  😉

Folks, Sister Brooks and I are moms! We have a daughter, named Sister Sifford, who is from Texas! She's a natural missionary and so fun and so sweet. We are gonna have a good time here in Poky!

Sister Sifford is probably my last companero! Knock on wood.  You never know what God's plans are! We are looking at Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years together!  HOPEFULLY! Sister Brooks will probably leave us beginning of November. 😢

We've had some amazing breakthroughs with our peeps this week! Thanks to our good luck charm, Sister Sifford! Prayers, please, for our transfer goal of 3 baptisms! the transfer ends in December, so please just pray like hte wind that has been blowing here in Poky the past 3 days!

Some highlights from this week:
*Coming up with video ideas and incorporating the Chariots of Fire theme song. COMING SOON.
*A bomb lesson with my favorite people in the entire world.
*Cleaning the bathrooms today -- that's my happy place.
*Beth gave me 15 books and two chocolate bars.
*We got rejected with burritoooooos! #bestrejectionEVER.
*We gave talks in Sacrament Meeting -- guys missionary work is SO good!
*I drank my first DR. PEPPER in 6 months... and I'm not addicted. 🙏

Life is good! It's hard but it's good! This work is THE greatest work on the earth today! Seriously, it's amazin! I love my life and my sister, Kiodo!

Oh and NaNo is coming soon and I figured out what I'm doing! I love you guys! (Y'all know who I'm talkin too.)


Bye, friends,
Sister DeGooyer

I ate a cookie

The lights of Pocatello

I almost fell over

Rejection Burritos

We live with 6 people now!

Our first trio pic

1 comment:

  1. What's that saying... 3's company, 2's a crowd ;) LOL! You sure make it sound that way. Love my niece!
