Friday, October 30, 2020


What a busy two weeks!  But it's been a happy busy.

The last part of our vacation to Arizona and Utah was spent with the DeGooyers!  It was AWESOME to spend time with Scott's family!  We visited, laughed, reminisced, etc.  It was wonderful to reconnect.  We sure do love our crazy, terrific family!

Kerri, Stacey, Kevin, Scott, Brett
Mom and Dad
The Girls
The Boys
The Boys????
When we got home, we got to get lots of love from our grandson.  Skittles rocks our world!

Reading to Karmel
Reading with Marmalade
(She's his best friend besides family!)
Ready to put out fires!
Wearing Mommy's glasses...
On Sunday, Cody, Kiara, Scott and I decided to paint Halloween pictures.  It was super fun!  Check out our work:

Kiara and Cody got a puppy.  They named her Syl.  She's cute... but whiney.

And the sister missionaries helped us rake leaves and plant flowers!  Thank you!

Sister Larsen, Sister Wolfey, Sister Wooley and Sister Knight
And Zane and Tara took my daughter to lunch!  She LOVED seeing them!  It was the highlight of her week!  She couldn't stop talking about how wonderful it was!

Zane snapped this photo for me!
And here's a quick preview of Scott's and my Halloween costumes!  Peanut Butter and Jelly!

"I'm Peanut Butter and you are Jelly
And we're so happy on our little piece of bread!"
Classic - Favorite
This might be one of the easiest costumes we've ever done...
But it's also one of my favorites!


  1. The DeGooyer crew - I wish I could have seen Beverly and Ray. It's been way too long not seeing them.
    I really like Spencer's picture - reading to the dog!
    Your Halloween pictures and great! I want to belong to your club for sure... and I've already told you that your costumes are my favorite ever. :)
    Happy November to All --- Mom/Gma Mil
