Thursday, May 3, 2018


Before we took Kiara and Cody home to Idaho... we celebrated the kick off for Thunder Over Lousiville.  Scott LOVES fireworks!  And he loves spending time with our family!  We enjoyed the beautiful, spring weather by the Ohio River.  We BBQed.  We read books.  We relaxed.  And we ended the evening with a 30 minute firework display.  So it was a fun night... and a good start to our across country trip.  (Yes, we drove 52 hours in 60 hours to get our married children back to school....  We are crazy.)
I REALLY love this man of mine!
Yup... Bettenhausens are family!
And Cody is finding out about it first hand!
Raisin and Jelly Bean love our new son!
And of course, they adore Kiara!
I'm listening to a book called "Dawn of Wonder."
I'll review it soon...  It is AMAZING!
It is one of my all time faves!
Love these kids!
Kotten Kandy, Juice, Apple Pie and Licorice
I especially love that Juice doesn't shy away from the camera like he used too....
Bubblegum Rocks!
I told you the kids love Cody!  We all do!
Isn't he cute?!

Kissing in a wheelbarrow...
The Air Show was awesome!
And loud...
Just before the fireworks...
Bing!  Bang!  Boom!
It's a BLAST!
The Big Bang! - For Real!
This is US!
Scott - Cody
Kotten Kandy - Me - Kiara


  1. I LOVE your son too! And it's never been a secret that I LOVE your daughters!!! I just LOVE your family!!!

  2. Thunder Over Louisville - feel like we were there! Thanks, Mom/Mil
